Tyre Will Wear Faster On Heat
We often talk about how tyres can run out faster due to several factors, especially because of aggressive driving.
However, there is actually one factor that is no less important when it comes to the level of tyre wear. That is the correlation between temperature and wear level.
As it turns out, tyres run out much faster when the temperature is hot than when the tyres are cooler. How could it be? There are several reasons.
When it's hot, such as the asphalt temperature on your favorite track, the tyre will be softer. This is because rubber is quite sensitive to temperature. The proof, when the rubber is heated in excess, it can be stretched more easily or even melt.
Some tyres also have more grip when it is hot. For example Accelera 651 Sport, when it is hot, the grip is indeed extraordinary. This grip produces very high frictions that can accelerate the level of tyre wear. Therefore, do not be surprised if accelera 651 Sport tyres or other tyres run out faster on the track than when used to drive casually.
Heat is also often generated during high friction. One of the fastest things to make tyres hot is when drifting. When drifting, friction from the tyre is very high. Under certain conditions, the tyre can immediately wear out after several drifting sessions. The hotter the track and the rougher the surface, the faster the tyre will run out faster.
Kami seringkali bicara tentang bagaimana ban bisa lebih cepat habis karena beberapa faktor, terutama karena cara mengemudi yang agresif.
Namun, sebenarnya ada satu faktor yang tidak kalah penting bila bicara tentang tingkat keausan ban. Yaitu korelasi antara suhu dan tingkat keausan.
Ternyata, ban jauh lebih cepat habis ketika suhunya panas dibandingkan saat ban lebih dingin. Bagaimana bisa? Ada beberapa alasannya.
Ketika panas, misalnya suhu aspal di track favoritmu, ban akan melembek strukturnya. Hal ini karena karet cukup sensitif terhadap suhu. Buktinya, bila karet dipanaskan secara berlebih, karet bisa ditarik dengan lebih mudah atau bahkan bisa meleleh.
Beberapa ban juga memang memiliki daya cengkeram lebih saat panas. Misalnya Accelera 651 Sport, saat panas, daya cengkeramnya memang luar biasa. Nmaun daya cengkeram ini menghasilkan friksi yang sangat tinggi yang bisa mempercepat tingkat keausan ban. Karena itu jangan heran bila ban Accelera 651 Sport atau ban lainnya lebih cepat habis di track daripada saat dipakai berjalan santai.
Panas juga seringkali dihasilkan saat terjadi friksi tinggi. Salah satu hal yang paling cepat membuat ban panas adalah saat drifting. Ketika drifting, friksi dari ban sangat tinggi. Pada kondisi tertentu, ban bisa langsung habis setelah beberapa sesi drifting. Semakin panas tracknya dan semakin kasar permukaannya, maka ban akan lebih cepat habis.