29 August 2022 09:48 WIB

When Should You Change Your Fuel Filter?

In general, most components in a car need to be replaced, the most frequent of which is the filter on the engine to prevent dirt from entering the engine internals and damaging the engine.

Generally, the filter that is most often changed is the oil filter because it is recommended to do it at every oil change, as well as the air filter because it is easy to replace or clean.

But, often the fuel filter is not replaced. In fact, its role is quite important to prevent dirt from entering the fuel line and the injector from clogging.

The fuel filter should still be changed regularly. Generally, after 40,000 Km which is considered appropriate because the filter is not too dirty so the fuel supply is not yet clogged.

However, it also depends on the type of fuel used and the area where you usually refuel. Because, certain types of fuel can be dirtier than other types of fuel, for example, diesel fuel which often has sulfur content.

If you are in an area with poor fuel quality, then it is best to accelerate the replacement of the fuel filter to an interval of 20,000 Km.

When it comes to tire changes, it's actually easier. Because the condition of the tires can be seen visually through the Tread Wear Indicator on Accelera tires.

If the Tread Wear Indicator starts to become level with the surrounding areas, then this is a marker that the tire is already too thin and should be replaced immediately with a new Accelera tire.



Secara umum, kebanyakan komponen pada mobil perlu diganti, yang paling sering ialah filter pada mesin untuk mencegah kotoran masuk ke dalam internal mesin dan merusak mesin.

Umumnya, filter yang paling sering diganti adalah filter oli karena disarankan dilakukan setiap penggantian oli, serta filter udara karena mudah diganti atau dibersihkan.

Tetapi, seringkali filter bahan bakar tidak diganti. Padahal, peranannya cukup penting untuk mencegah kotoran masuk ke jalur bahan bakar dan mencegah injektor mampet.

Filter bahan bakar sebaiknya tetap rutin diganti. Umumnya,  setelah 40.000 Km yang dinilai tepat karena filter belum terlalu kotor sehingga tidak pasokan bahan bakar juga belum tersumbat.

Tetapi, hal ini juga bergantung pada jenis bahan bakar yang digunakan dan area dimana kamu mengisi bahan bakar. Karena, jenis bahan bakar tertentu bisa saja lebih kotor daripada jenis bahan bakar lain, misalnya bahan bakar diesel yang seringkali memiliki kandungan sulfur.

Jika kamu berada di area dengan kualitas bahan bakar yang buruk, maka sebaiknya penggantian filter bahan bakar dipercepat menjadi interval 20.000 Km.

Jika bicara tentang penggantian ban, hal ini sebenarnya lebih mudah. Karena, kondisi ban bisa dilihat secara visual melalui Tread Wear Indicator yang ada pada ban Accelera.

Jika Tread Wear Indicator mulai terlihat rata dengan area sekitarnya, maka ini adalah penanda ban sudah terlalu tipis dan sebaiknya segera diganti dengan ban baru Accelera.
