Accelera Mobile Service Serves On ACCELERA x EROTISM 2023
Accelera supports the development of the Indonesian automotive world by participating in various events. One of the most recent is ACCELERA x EROTISM 2023.
At this event, Accelera is also present with the Accelera Mobile Service. A service in a truck that can be brought everywhere. The contents are also complete, starting from tyre removal tools, air compressors, and others.
With this truck, participants from ACCELERA x EROTISM 2023 do not need to worry if there is a problem with the tyre, such as a flat or leaking tyre. Just ask for help from Accelera Mobile Service, and the problem can be solved.
In addition to helping participants' cars, Accelera Mobile Service trucks also participated in the ‘ala-ala drag’ event at ACCELERA x EROTISM, entertaining all visitors.
Accelera mendukung perkembangan dunia otomotif Indonesia dengan mengikuti berbagai macam event. Salah satu yang paling terbaru adalah ACCELERA x EROTISM 2023.
Pada ajang kali ini, Accelera turut hadir bersama layanan Accelera Mobile Service. Sebuah layanan service dalam truk yang bisa dibawa kemana-mana. Isinya pun lumayan lengkap mulai dari alat lepas pasang ban, kompresor udara, dan lainnya.
Dengan adanya truk ini, peserta dari ACCELERA x EROTISM 2023 tidak perlu khawatir bila terjadi masalah dengan ban, se-simple ban kempes atau bocor. Tinggal minta bantuan dari Accelera Mobile Service, masalah pun dapat diselesaikan.
Selain membantu mobil peserta, truk Accelera Mobile Service juga turut berpartisipasi dalam ajang ala-ala drag di ACCELERA x EROTISM yang juga menghibur seluruh pengunjung.