Crowding The Island With Ngaspal Bali 2023
Accelera and HSR once again organized a gathering event called Ngaspal. In September 2023, Ngaspal was held in a different area of Indonesia, namely Bali.
This time, Accelera and HSR gathered at the Middle Parking Area of Revayah Plaza, Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK) at 3:00 PM local time.
There were several activities planned for Ngaspal this time, such as meet-ups, games, and a wheel auction starting at Rp 50,000. It turns out that there was a significant level of interest from people in Bali, with enthusiasts from various backgrounds filling up the middle parking area of Revayah Plaza.
Accelera provided support with the presence of Accelera Mobile Service (AMS), which accompanied the HSR team during their journey of over 1,000 km through the famously challenging Trans Jawa route. Accelera Mobile Service is also ready to assist participants in need and offers free tyre pressure checks.
Meet Accelera Mobile Service at the next event.
Accelera dan HSR kembali mendagakan ajang kumpul bersama yang dinamakan Ngaspal. Pada bulan September 2023, Ngaspal kembali diadakan di daerah lain di Indonesia, yakni Bali.
Kali ini, Accelera dan HSR berkumpul di area Parkir Tengah Revayah Plaza, Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK) pada pukul 15:00 waktu setempat.
Ada beberapa agenda pada Ngaspal kali ini, seperti meet up, games, serta lelang velg yang dimulai dari Rp 50.000.
Peminat di Bali ternyata cukup tinggi, dengan berbagai kalangan antusias hadir memenuhi parkir tengah Revayah Plaza.
Accelera tentunya mendukung dengan hadirnya Accelera Mobile Service (AMS) yang menemani tim HSR selama perjalanan lebih dari 1.000 Km melalui jalur Trans Jawa yang terkenal kejam.
Accelera Mobile Service pun siap membantu para peserta yang memerlukan bantuan, serta menawarkan gratis pengecekan angin pada ban.
Temui Accelera Mobile Service pada acara selanjutnya.